Understanding the deeds that are most beloved to Allah can guide a Muslim in their daily life and worship. This article will discuss these deeds based on authentic sources from the Quran and Hadith. 1. Performing Prayer on Time (الصَّلاةُ علَى وقْتِها) Imam Muslim recorded in his Sahih from Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be […]
How to Improve Concentration in Salah
Now the Question asked by almost all Muslims is “ how to concentrate on in Salah/Namaz? ”The other day a person was asking me, you know what I cannot concentrate much in Salah.can you give me a remedy for concentration in Salah?You see Shaitaan is an expert in his field, he has Ph.D. in his […]
Worships in Laylatul-Qadr
What is Laylatul-Qadr? Laylatul-Qadr is the most blessed night. Someone who misses it has indeed missed a fantastic quantity of virtues. If a believer is eager to obey his Lord and increase the good deeds in his book, he ought to try to spend this night time in worship and obedience. If that is possible […]
18 Good Deeds That Erase Bad Deeds
Good deeds that Erase or Remove your Bad deeds / Sins Allah SWT loves humans so much, he is always waiting for his slave to come back and make taubah (repent).In the holy Quran Allah SWT said: Say (on My behalf), “O servants of Mine who have acted recklessly against their own selves, do not […]