Supplication is to remember God Almighty always, in both prosperity and adversity. It is to seek asylum with the Creator in all matters. Dua is asking for help from God in all things of this world, and there are correct ways to pray. In this article, we will, InshaAllah, discuss and learn how to make dua in the right way.
What is Supplication?
Allah the Almighty says:
“If My servants ask you about Me, I am near; I answer the prayer of the one who calls on Me. Let them, therefore, respond to Me and believe in Me.”
In Arabic, the word dua is derived from “da’wah,” meaning remembrance of Allah SWT and praying to Him.
Aside from daily prayers, Muslims make dua to Allah SWT for forgiveness, guidance, and strength throughout the day. Muslims can make personal prayers, or pray in their own words, in any language.
Times and Conditions When Dua Can Be Accepted
As mentioned in the Qur’an:
“When My servants ask you about Me, then (tell them that) I am near. I respond to the call of one when he prays to Me.”
Allah is always close to us, and He hears our prayers. There are, however, special times when a Muslim’s dua is especially accepted. These moments include:
- During travel
- During illness
- Visiting the sick
- The last third of the night
- During prostration
- Between the adhan and iqaamah (call to prayer and start of prayer)
- Supplication of the oppressed
- Dua of parents for their children
- On the day of Arafat
- Laylatul-Qadr (The Night of Power)
- Midnight time
- After obligatory salah
- When it rains
- The last moments of Friday
- When the rooster crows
- During Hajj or Umrah
- While drinking Zamzam water
Etiquette of Supplication
The Qur’an says that Muslims can call on God while sitting, standing, or lying on their sides:
“Those who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and ponder the creation of the heavens and the earth.”
However, it is advisable to be in a state of wudoo (ablution). It is also appreciated (mustahab) to make dua before, during, and after prayer (salah).
Essential Etiquettes:
- Supplication must be from the heart and with a soft voice.
- Begin by praising Allah and His Messenger, acknowledging the majesty of Allah SWT.
- Repeat your dua three times.
- Show reverence, fear, and hope in your dua.
- Confess your mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and be grateful for Allah’s favors.
- Don’t be rude or demanding in your dua.
- Raise your hands to your chest, as if open to receive something.
- It is permissible to wipe your hands on your face after dua, though some schools of thought may not recommend this.
- Be certain that only Allah SWT can respond and help.
- Be sincere and truthful in your dua.
Tawassul in Dua:
It is recommended to be consistent in supplication. One can seek the means of Allah’s names, good deeds, blessed times (like Ramadan), or pious people while making dua, as mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Key Aspects of Dua
Hastiness and impatience can lead to the rejection of a dua. One should not despair if the dua isn’t immediately answered.
Dua must be for something pure and good. For example, making dua for something sinful, like committing a crime, will not be accepted.
Good Intentions
The person making dua should have good intentions. For instance, if someone asks for an increase in wealth, they should intend to spend more on the poor or help their family.
Attention to Words
A Muslim should pray with full attention, believing in their heart that their dua will be answered.
Facing the Ka’bah
While making dua, one should face the Ka’bah and perform ablution if possible.
Raise Hands
Raise your hands, exaggerate the raising, and join your fingers when making dua.
Call on Allah’s Names
Use Allah’s beautiful names in your dua, such as Ya Rahman (The Most Merciful), Ya Rabb (The Lord), or Ya Samad (The Eternal).
Final Tips for Making Dua
- Repent for your sins.
- Always make dua, whether it is a time of prosperity or distress.
- Pray for yourself and for others.
- It is permissible for Muslims to pray for themselves or to ask Allah SWT for guidance.